A Winning Approach to Adversity

Our 8 year-old’s flag football coaches taught the kids and parents a great life lesson in their final game of the season. Both teams were undefeated and equally matched.

On occasion, the city league youth referees miss or make a bad call. During this final game, the opposing team’s coach was frustrated and would argue over bad or missed calls. This left the kids unprepared for the next play and often resulted in their team not performing at their best.

Our team had just as many bad or missed calls, however, our coaches remained calm and collected; they immediately went to the next play and would gather the kids in for a huddle. They always focused on what was in their control.

When life doesn’t go your way, you can use your energy to argue and complain, or you can focus on what you can control, putting your energy into the next play.

Our team won because of the coaching’s approach to handling adversity. Winners in life aren’t lucky, they have a winning approach to adversity.

-Brandon Klippel


Emotions Can Affect Decision-Making


New Heights